Class 0413
MM Studio
Keyboard Case: 6063 Alu
Weight & Badge: Brass
Size: 460.1*171.2*39.7mm(L*W*H)
Typing angle: 7 degrees
Weight: 4.6kg (case only)

Brass weight is completely filled with internal to optimize the sound of the cavity.
Brass badge with retro Rivet in the four corners, which is inspirited by vintage keyboard label.
Brass badge with retro Rivet in the four corners, which is inspirited by vintage keyboard label.

WK, WKL and Arrow Key top cases are optional to reach different users’ preferences.
In addition considering desktop area and support capabilities, We don’t completely retain the forehead and cover width of the original 0413,
just made slight adjustments and narrowed it slightly.
In addition considering desktop area and support capabilities, We don’t completely retain the forehead and cover width of the original 0413,
just made slight adjustments and narrowed it slightly.

buzzer / solenoid

Considering the practicality of the keyboard,
we finally present unique Class-0413 based on integrating 0413’s appearance with 0537’s AT layout.

keykobo wob

gmk taiga

keykobo alhambra

gmk serika r2

gmk olive r2

gmk jags


keykobo WOB + RGB